The weekend of President's Day, my husband and I took a road trip up to Ft. Wayne, Indiana to see my 2 year old grandson. Since we were actually leaving in the daylight and it is a 5 1/2 hour trip, I took along beads to string in the car. I had about 20 necklaces I needed to work on, but didn't have the time to gather all the specific beads and findings I needed for those, so I just started grabbing beads I had had in the back for a very long time. I grabbed a couple of assortments, some lava rock beads, small beads to use on the ends, all the tools and findings I might need, my bead mat and a bead tray. There were also some loose beads on the tray I grabbed. When we got on the road, I discovered I had mainly grabbed green beads, which was okay because St. Patricks Day is coming up, but I had not grabbed any beads that truly excited me. Not wanting to waste the time riding in the car, I started making jewelry with what I had. I was quite amazed at the things I came up with, all with beads that weren't ones I truly loved. I was very happy with the things I made. It reminded me of the Iron Chef competition where the contestants are given only three food items and they have to make a meal with them. That's what I challenged myself to do.
I did not grab enough wire to string all the necklaces and bracelets I had planned. I ran out on the trip up. To be ready for the trip home, my daughter-in-law and I had to go to JoAnn's and Michaels looking for wire. Since I always buy mine from my wholesaler in 100 ft spools, I was not aware of how wire was sold in these stores. I carry 30 ft spools for my customers, because it is the most economical way to buy it, or I will sell it by the yard off my big spool if they are just making one necklace. All these other stores only carry 10 ft spools which is the most expensive way to buy it, but also you have to constantly return for wire and will then buy more beads, etc. I know this is sound marketing strategy, but it irritates me that I could not buy a 30 ft spool anywhere. I try to be a little more customer friendly than the big box stores and I hope that counts for something in the long run.
Oh, by the way.... I made 7 necklaces, two of them multi-strand, 6 bracelets, and 7 pairs of earrings. I would have made more, but I ran out of wire.....
The creations you made are fantabulous! Sorry you had to shop in the mainstream stores .. if only everybody knew where to find you!! But, selfish me .. I'm glad they can't see all your treasures! ;o) I do believe pictures would be great on here too ;o)))))))