The best laid plans are usually interrupted by real life. I had every intention of writing on this every day or at the least every other day. But plans don't always work out. Although I've not had much traffic through the store the last couple of weeks, I've been incredibly busy working on orders. First was the church that forgot to call in their order for 60 corsages that were needed in four days, next was the order for 30 Hawaiian leis that I thought would take me just a couple of hours, but ended up taking a couple of hours per lei, and then there was the quilled wedding invitation that just always takes a while to get it right. None of them unpleasant tasks, just very time consuming.
Lots of new things coming in. I got to see my wonderful UPS man TWICE last week. I will get to see him tomorrow also. Lots of wonderful blue moon beads arrived and I ended up having to redo my whole bead wall. It looks great now and very FULL!
Classes start for me next week - one off-site on Tues morning. I am going to teach the ladies how to paint daisies on Christmas ornaments. And when I arrive at the store I will set up all the fall and Halloween displays.
I hope I am back on track and can keep up with this in a more timely manner. If not, you may just have to come into the store and see what I'm up to!
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