I also have reordered the hand made brush ornaments and have quite a few new animals this year. They are one of the few items that I have ordered that have actually sold like hotcakes. If you are not familiar with them, they are hand made in the Phillipines from burri palm fibers. The industry used to make brushes, but with the advent of plastic brushes, their brushes no long sold. To keep the industry alive, they began creating nativity sets and animals out of the fibers. Some of the first animals they made were not very realistic, but they have really improved through the years. The eyes and ears, etc are all made out of seeds or leaves or other natural materials. The are very unique and very cute. I have lots of collectors now and since they are very sturdy and light they are easy to mail.
My Holiday Open House is Saturday, November 11, so mark your calenders now. All the mice will be out front by then as will all the other decorations and holiday items. I have a lot of new one of a kind items that will be put out this year.
I hope you all have as much fun creating as I do. I truly love making beautiful and fun items that bring joy to others. Hope to see you all soon.